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Zhi Ning CHEN
Zhi Ning CHEN  ZhiNingChenisworkingasafullprofessoratDepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngineering,NationalUniversityofSingapore.Hiscurrentresearchinterestincludesappliedelectromagnetic,metamaterials,andantennaengineeringforcommunication,radar,andimagingsystems.ProfessorZhiNingChenreceivedhisBEng,MEng,andPhDdegreesallinElectricalEngineeringfromtheInstituteofCommunicationsEngineering,ChinaandhissecondPhDdegreefromUniversityofTsukuba,Japan,respectively.During1988-2016,ProfessorChenconductedhisresearchandteachingatInstituteofCommunicationsEngineering,SoutheastUniversity,CityUniversityofHongKong,TsukubaUniversity,IBMT.J.WatsonResearchCenter,andInstituteforInfocommResearch.ProfessorChenhasinvolvedintheorganizationofmanyinternationaleventsasgeneralchairsandchairsoftechnicalprogramcommittee/internationaladvisorycommitteechairs.HeisthefoundingGeneralChairsoftheInternationalWorkshoponAntennaTechnology(iWAT),InternationalSymposiumonInfoComm&MediaTechnologyinBio-Medical&HealthcareApplications(IS3T-in-3A),Asia-Pa
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Zhi Ning Chen is working as a full professor at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore. His current research interest includes applied electromagnetic, metamaterials, and antenna engineering for communication, radar, and imaging systems. Professor Zhi Ning Chen received his BEng, MEng, and PhD degrees all in Electrical Engineering from the Institute of Communications Engineering, China and his second PhD degree from University of Tsukuba, Japan, respectively. During 1988-2016, Professor Chen conducted his research and teaching at Institute of Communications Engineering, Southeast University, City University of Hong Kong, Tsukuba University, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, and Institute for Infocomm Research. Professor Chen has involved in the organization of many international events as general chairs and chairs of technical program committee/international advisory committee chairs. He is the founding General Chairs of the International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT), International Symposium on InfoComm & Media Technology in Bio-Medical & Healthcare Applications (IS 3T-in-3A), Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP) as well as International Microwave Forum (IMWF). So far, he has delivered more than 160 keynotes and invited talks at international events. Professor Chen has published more than 550 journal and conference papers as well as authored and edited books entitled Broadband Planar Antennas, UWB Wireless Communication, Antennas for Portable Devices, and Antennas for Base Station in Wireless Communications. He, as Editor-in-Chief, published the Handbook of Antenna Technologies with 76 chapters and 3473 pages. He also contributed to the books UWB Antennas and Propagation for Communications, Radar, and Imaging, Antenna Engineering Handbook, Electromagnetics of Body Area Network as well as Microstrip and Printed Antennas. He is holding more than 31 granted and filed patents with more than 34 licensed deals with industry. He is the recipient of ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award 2013, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation Best Paper Award 2010, the CST University Publication Award 2008, IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards 2006, 2013 and 2014, I2R Quarterly Best Paper Award 2004, and IEEE iWAT 2005 Best Poster Award. His students have been the winners in many international student paper contests. Professor Chen elevated a Fellow of the IEEE for the contribution to small and broadband antennas for wireless applications in 2007. He is serving IEEE Council on RFID as Vice President and Distinguished Lecturer since 2016. He served IEEE Trans Antennas and Propagation as an Associate Editor and a Distinguished Lecturer.








