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Prof. M. Mukherjee
Prof. M. Mukherjee  Dr.MoumitaMukherjeeisalumniofPresidencyCollegeandCalcuttaUniversity.Dr.MukherjeereceivedM.Sc.(Physics)degreewithspecializationinElectronicsandCommunication,M.Tech.DegreeinBiomedicalEngineeringandPh.D.(Tech.)degreeinRadioPhysicsandElectronics(2009),UniversityofCalcutta,India.SheworkedasDRDO-“SeniorResearchFellowship”andincontinuationtothatPostDoctoral“ResearchAssociate–I”underDRDO,MinistryofDefence,Govt.ofIndia.ShewasVisitingScientist,INEX,NewcastleUniversity,UK(2009-2011).SheobtainedPostdocpositionfromTechnicalUniversity,Darmstadt,Germany(2010).Dr.MukherjeeisHonoraryBiomedicalEngineerandtechnicalambassadorofHUMAI–USA.Dr.MukherjeeisVisiting/AdjunctProfessorandmemberofBoardofStudiesoftheJointAcademicprogramonBiomedicalInstrumentationconductedbyCalcuttaUniversityandtheWestBengalUniversityofHealthSciences.Dr.MukherjeeisformerSr.Scientist-DRDOCentreofExcellenceunderMinistryofDefence,Govt.ofIndia(2011-2015).Dr.MukherjeehasjoinedAdamasUniversityin2015andworkingasAssociateDeanandAcademiccoordi
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Dr. Moumita Mukherjee is alumni of Presidency College and Calcutta University. Dr. Mukherjee received M.Sc. (Physics) degree with specialization in Electronics and Communication, M. Tech. Degree in Biomedical Engineering and Ph.D. (Tech.) degree in Radio Physics and Electronics (2009), University of Calcutta, India. She worked as DRDO-“Senior Research Fellowship” and in continuation to that Post Doctoral “Research Associate – I” under DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India. She was Visiting Scientist, INEX, Newcastle University, UK (2009-2011). She obtained Postdoc position from Technical University, Darmstadt, Germany (2010). Dr. Mukherjee is Honorary Biomedical Engineer and technical ambassador of HUMAI –USA. Dr. Mukherjee is Visiting / Adjunct Professor and member of Board of Studies of the Joint Academic program on Biomedical Instrumentation conducted by Calcutta University and the West Bengal University of Health Sciences. Dr. Mukherjee is former Sr. Scientist - DRDO Centre of Excellence under Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India (2011 - 2015). Dr. Mukherjee has joined Adamas University in 2015 and working as Associate Dean and Academic coordinator of School of Science. Dr. Mukherjee has guided more than 20 Master‟s thesis under Calcutta University, West Bengal University of Health Sciences and West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT) and supervising three Ph.D. theses under WBUT and Adamas University. Her research interest is focused on THz-electronics, Semiconductor devices based on wide-band-gap semiconductors, Photo-sensors, nano-biosensors and Medical Electronics & Instruments. She has published more than 150 peer-reviewed research papers on THz-Electronics, Semiconductor devices, Biomedical Electronics and photonics in several reputed International refereed journals and IEEE/SPIE/ELSEVIER/SPRINGER–Proceedings with citation globally. She is reviewer of a number of international peer reviewed journals and editorial board member of international journals. She is the author of a number of international book-chapters, and worked as a Volume Editor and author of three ISBN numbered books published from UK and India. She has delivered a number of invited talks and presented several research articles in IEEE International Conferences and acted in various capacities such as “Technical Session Chair”, “Organizer, “Organizing Secretary” and “Convenor” in IEEE & DST International Conferences in India and abroad. Dr. Mukherjee has received National Merit Scholarship award from Govt. of India and was enlisted in „Marques Who‟s Who in Science and Engineering‟ and „Marques Who‟s Who in the World‟. She has received “IEEE best paper award” two times in 2009 and 2010, prestigious Best Scientist Award, Bharat Gaurav Award in 2015, Best paper award in Science and Technology Congress, India in 2012. Dr. Mukherjee is the Member of IEEE (USA), IEEE-ED society (USA) and life member of Indian Science Congress.








