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Chiman Kwan
Chiman Kwan  ChimanKwan(S’85-M’93-SM’98)receivedhisBSwithhonorsinElectronicsfromtheChineseUniversityofHongKongin1988,andMSandPh.D.degreesinelectricalengineeringfromtheUniversityofTexasatArlingtonin1989and1993,respectively.Currently,heistheFounderandChiefTechnologyOfficerofSignalProcessing,Inc.andAppliedResearchLLC,leadingresearchanddevelopmenteffortsinreal-timecontrol,chemicalagentdetection,biometrics,speechprocessing,imagefusion,missionplanning,andfaultdiagnosticsandprognostics.Hisprimaryresearchareasincluderobustandadaptivecontrolmethods,signalandimageprocessing,diagnosticsandprognostics,structuralhealthmonitoring,conditionbasedmaintenance,communications,neuralnetworks,remotesensing,andpatternrecognitionapplications.FromApril1991toFebruary1994,heworkedintheBeamInstrumentationDepartmentoftheSSC(SuperconductingSuperColliderNationalLaboratory)inDallas,Texas,wherehewasheavilyinvolvedinthemodeling,simulationanddesignofmoderndigitalcontrollersandsignalprocessingalgorithmsforthebeamcontrolandsynchroniza
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Chiman Kwan (S’85-M’93-SM’98) received his BS with honors in Electronics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1988, and MS and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1989 and 1993, respectively. Currently, he is the Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Signal Processing, Inc. and Applied Research LLC, leading research and development efforts in real-time control, chemical agent detection, biometrics, speech processing, image fusion, mission planning, and fault diagnostics and prognostics. His primary research areas include robust and adaptive control methods, signal and image processing, diagnostics and prognostics, structural health monitoring, condition based maintenance, communications, neural networks, remote sensing, and pattern recognition applications. From April 1991 to February 1994, he worked in the Beam Instrumentation Department of the SSC (Superconducting Super Collider National Laboratory) in Dallas, Texas, where he was heavily involved in the modeling, simulation and design of modern digital controllers and signal processing algorithms for the beam control and synchronization system. He later joined the Automation and Robotics Research Institute in Fort Worth, where he applied intelligent control methods such as neural networks and fuzzy logic to the control of power systems, robots, and motors. Between July 1995 and April 2006, he was the Vice President of Intelligent Automation, Inc. in Rockville, Maryland. He has served as Principal Investigator/Program Manager for more than 100 different projects. Dr. Kwan has 12 patents, 36 invention disclosures, 70+ journal papers and 175+ conference papers. He is listed in the New Millennium edition of Who’s Who in Science and Engineering and is a member of Tau Beta Pi, IET, PHM, and SPIE. He served as the Treasurer of Control Systems Society Chapter in IEEE NoVa section in 2016 and is currently the Chair of that chapter.



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