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Sin-Doo Lee
Sin-Doo Lee  Sin-DooLeeisaprofessorintheSchoolofElectricalEngineeringofSeoulNationalUniversity,Korea.HereceivedhisBSandMSdegreesinsolid-statephysicsfromSeoulNationalUniversity,Koreain1980and1982,respectively,andhisPh.D.degreeinliquidcrystalphysicsfromBrandeisUniversity,USAin1988.Prof.Leeisoneoftheleadinginterdisciplinaryscientistsinphysics,optics,anddeviceengineeringofsoftmatterssuchasliquidcrystals,organicsemiconductors,polymers,colloids,andbiomembranes.Hehasauthoredmorethan280scientificpublicationsanddeliveredover330conferencepresentations.Amonghisscientificandtechnicalachievementswithhighreputationworldwide,themostsignificantcontributiontothedisplaytechnologiesistheinventionofanewclassoftheverticalalignmentmodewhichhasledtotheadventofhigh-performanceliquidcrystaldisplaysrangingfrommonitorstohigh-definitionTVs.Prof.Lee’sachievementsinsoftmatterscienceandtechnologyhavebeenrecognizedbymanyofdistinguishedmembersofprofessionalsocietiesincludingInternationalLiquidCrystalSociety,AmericanPhysicalSociety
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Sin-Doo Lee is a professor in the School of Electrical Engineering of Seoul National University, Korea. He received his BS and MS degrees in solid-state physics from Seoul National University, Korea in 1980 and 1982, respectively, and his Ph.D. degree in liquid crystal physics from Brandeis University, USA in 1988. Prof. Lee is one of the leading interdisciplinary scientists in physics, optics, and device engineering of soft matters such as liquid crystals, organic semiconductors, polymers, colloids, and biomembranes. He has authored more than 280 scientific publications and delivered over 330 conference presentations. Among his scientific and technical achievements with high reputation worldwide, the most significant contribution to the display technologies is the invention of a new class of the vertical alignment mode which has led to the advent of high-performance liquid crystal displays ranging from monitors to high-definition TVs. Prof. Lee’s achievements in soft matter science and technology have been recognized by many of distinguished members of professional societies including International Liquid Crystal Society, American Physical Society, Optical Society of America, Society for Information Displays (SID), and Society for Photonics and Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). He has been served as a general chair/co-chair, an organizing committee chair, and a member of the program committee of major scientific societies in the area of displays, including OSA, SPIE, and SID, since early 90's. He is currently a Fellow of OSA, SPIE, and SID. His current research areas include the biological implications of lipid rafts in biomimic lipid membranes, an artificial iris with the self-regulation capability in soft contact lens style, and the applications of nano-colloids in diverse soft matters.








