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Igor Minin
Igor Minin  IgorV.MininisafullProfessoratSiberianStateGeodesyAcademy(SSGA),Russia.From1982to2001hewasChiefResearchScientistattheInstituteofAppliedPhysics,Novosibirsk,Russia.Dr.MininreceivedaB.A.inPhysicsfromtheNovosibirskStateUniversity,aPhDinPhysicsfromLeningradElectro-TechnicalUniversityin1986andaDoctorofsciencefromNSTUin2002.Dr.Mininhasovertwentyyearsofinternationalindustrialandacademicexperienceandhasplayedkeyrolesinanumberofprojectsincluding3Dmillimeterwavereal-timeimagingandantiterrorismapplications.Heistheauthororcoauthorofapproximately350researcharticles,sevenmonographers(includingDiffractiveopticsofmillimeterwaves(IOPPublisher,Boston-London,2004),BasicPrinciplesofFresnelAntennaArrays(Springer,2008)),andhasbeenawarded24patentsandinventions.Heistheauthorandcoauthorofasubatantialnumberofscientificpublicationswithhighcitationindex,severalbooksandbookchaptersintechnicalpublicationsandhasbeentheEditorofseveralbooksincludingMicrowaveandMillimeterWaveTechnologiesModernUWBantennasandequipment(IN-T
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Igor V. Minin is a full Professor at Siberian State Geodesy Academy (SSGA), Russia. From 1982 to 2001 he was Chief Research Scientist at the Institute of Applied Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia. Dr. Minin received a B.A. in Physics from the Novosibirsk State University, a PhD in Physics from Leningrad Electro-Technical University in 1986 and a Doctor of science from NSTU in 2002. Dr. Minin has over twenty years of international industrial and academic experience and has played key roles in a number of projects including 3D millimeter wave real-time imaging and antiterrorism applications. He is the author or coauthor of approximately 350 research articles, seven monographers (including Diffractive optics of millimeter waves (IOP Publisher, Boston-London, 2004), Basic Principles of Fresnel Antenna Arrays (Springer, 2008)), and has been awarded 24 patents and inventions. He is the author and coauthor of a subatantial number of scientific publications with high citation index, several books and book chapters in technical publications and has been the Editor of several books including Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technologies Modern UWB antennas and equipment (IN-TECH, Austria 2010) and Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technologies from Photonic Bandgap Devices to Antenna and Applications (IN-TECH, Austria 2010). Dr. Minin’s research interests are in the areas of diffractive optics and antenna theory (including explosive plasma antenna), millimeter wave and THz photonics and nanophotonics, information security, detection of hidden weapons as well as development of antiterrorism devices, calculation experiment technologies, explosive physics. He is a member of SPIE, COST-284 and COST-ic0603. Prof. Minin has been an Invited Lecturer at several international universities and institutions, among them the IEEE Singapore EMCS Chapter and has served on a number of national and international conference committees. For his work Dr. Minin was awarded the Commendation for Excellence in Technical Communications (Laser Focus World, 2003) and commendation by the Minister of Defense of Russia, 2000. Dr. Minin’s biographical data was included into Marques Who’s Who in science and engineering (2003, 6th editions), etc. He is regarded as the world-leading expert on diffractive optics (lenses and antennas). He is editorial board members of several international journals.


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