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Rudolf  RudolfKrskaistheUniv.Prof.MyToolBoxCoordinator,Austria.HehasextensiveexperienceinprojectmanagementandinsuccessfuldeliveryofEUandnationalprojectsinthemycotoxinfield.Dr.KrskaisHeadoftheBOKUdepartmentIFA-Tulln.AfterobtaininghisdegreeinchemistryattheViennaUniversityofTechnologyhecarriedoutpostdoctoralstudiesinthefieldofmycotoxindeterminationatHealthCanadainOttawa.Dr.KrskahasestablishedintensiveinterdisciplinarycooperationwithuniversitiesandcompaniesandwascoordinatorofthreeEuropeanCommissionfundedprojects(ZONMAIZE,DONCALIBRANTandALLERGENTEST)dealingwiththedeterminationofmycotoxinsandallergensinfood.Veryrecently,hehasbeenWorkPackageLeaderoftheEU-ProjectsMYCOREDandMYCOSPECwhichhavedealtwithinnovativedetectionandreductionstrategiesformycotoxinsinfoodsandfeeds.Therefore,Dr.KrskaiswellacquaintedwithEC-guidelinesandthereportingandmanagementofEU-projects.Dr.Krskaandhisteamhavebeenabletodeliverinnovative,breakingscientificresultsrelevanttoboth,thescientificcommunityandindustry.Hisresearchhasnotonly
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Rudolf Krska is the Univ.Prof. MyToolBox Coordinator,Austria.He has extensive experience in project management and in successful delivery of EU and national projects in the mycotoxin field. Dr. Krska is Head of the BOKU department IFA-Tulln. After obtaining his degree in chemistry at the Vienna University of Technology he carried out postdoctoral studies in the field of mycotoxin determination at Health Canada in Ottawa. Dr. Krska has established intensive interdisciplinary cooperation with universities and companies and was coordinator of three European Commission funded projects (ZONMAIZE, DONCALIBRANT and ALLERGENTEST) dealing with the determination of mycotoxins and allergens in food. Very recently, he has been Work Package Leader of the EU-Projects MYCORED and MYCOSPEC which have dealt with innovative detection and reduction strategies for mycotoxins in foods and feeds. Therefore, Dr. Krska is well acquainted with EC-guidelines and the reporting and management of EU-projects. Dr. Krska and his team have been able to deliver innovative, breaking scientific results relevant to both, the scientific community and industry. His research has not only led to numerous scientific publications and international recognitions but also to the foundation of two successful spin-off companies of BOKU (Biopure and Quantas Analytics, all shares have been sold following an offer of an industrial partner in 2009). From 2002 to 2009 he supervised the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Mycotoxin Research (total funding 2 Mio. Euro) and has been PI within the special research programme SFB Fusarium which has been funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF with some additional 3 Mio Euro funding. As member of JECFA (Joint Expert Committee for Food Additives) of the FAO/WHO he has evaluated the impact of trichothecenes on humans. Dr. Krska was also member of the Working Group Fusarium of the Scientific Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Dr. Krska has received multiple scientific awards and is (co-)author of about 260 SCI publications (h-index 42 - Web of Science). Since 2013 he has been ranked Number 1 among the world's most cited authors in the area of mycotoxins in the last decade. The database on mycotoxins included 5.570 authors and 7.634 SCI Papers (Web of Science). Moreover, Dr. Krska has published the greatest number of SCI papers in the history of mycotoxin research, a field with more than 14.000 published items since 1961. Besides his activity as secretary and assigned next president of the International Society for Mycotoxicology (ISM), Dr. Krska has been involved in the organisation of almost all international conferences on mycotoxins in the last decade. Most prominent and recent examples are the World Mycotoxin Forum in Vienna with more than 400 participants in November 2014 and the next IUPAC Conference on Mycotoxins in Winnipeg, Canada in June 2016, where Dr. Krska and Hans van Egmond (Advisory Board member) have been serving as conference general chairs. As a result of his international recognition, Dr. Krska was offered a position as Acting Chief of the Food Research Division at Health Canada in Ottawa for 12 months, where he was responsible for the Canada-wide network on research on chemical contaminants in foods before he returned to Austria in 2010. In April 2015 Dr. Krska has been appointed Distinguished Professor of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), partners of MyToolBox.


上一篇:Eran Barak






