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O.Bekaroglu  ÖzerBekaroğlu,professorofIstanbulTechnicalUniversity(ITU),Turkey.HereceivedBSandMSinchemicalengineeringfromIstanbulUniversity(IU)1960,PhDfromUniversityofBasel(Switzerland)1963inthefieldofcoordinationchemistry.AfterposdoctoralworkattheUniversityofCaliforniaDavisDept.ofBiochemistry1966-1968,workedatapharmaceuticalcompanyasinvestmentmanageroneyear.HebecameassosiateprofessorattheIU1969.UponinvitationtransferedtotheIstanbulTechnicalUniversity(ITU)andbecamefullprofessor1975.HewasinvitedasguestprofessorbyseveraluniversitiesinEuropeandJapanfromthreetoeightmonths.HewasdeanattheChemistry,Chemical&MetallurgicalEng.andArts&SciencesfacultiesofITUfornineyears.HealsowasheadofDepartmentofChemistryandIntstrumentalAnalysisLabs.oftheTurkishScientificandIndustrialResearchCouncilfortenyears,andheadofDepartmentofInorganicChemistryofITUuntilhisretirementin2000.HeisstillmakingresearchatseveraluniversitiesinTurkey.Hisresearchismainlyfocusedonsynthesesandpropertiesofnewclassofphthalocyaninessince1985.Hepublishe
ÖzerBekaroğlu,professorofIstanbulTechnicalUniversity(ITU),Turkey.He receivedBSandMSinchemicalengineeringfromIstanbulUniversity(IU)1960,PhDfromUniversityofBasel(Switzerland)1963inthefieldofcoordination...
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Özer Bekaroğlu ,professor of Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Turkey.He received BS and MS in chemical engineering from Istanbul University (IU) 1960, PhD from University of Basel (Switzerland) 1963 in the field of coordination chemistry.After posdoctoral work at the University of California Davis Dept. of Biochemistry 1966-1968 , worked at a pharmaceutical company as investment manager one year. He became assosiate professor at the IU 1969. Upon invitation transfered to the Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and became full professor 1975. He was invited as guest professor by several universities in Europe and Japan from three to eight months. He was dean at the Chemistry, Chemical&Metallurgical Eng. and Arts&Sciences faculties of ITU for nine years. He also was head of Department of Chemistry and Intstrumental Analysis Labs. of the Turkish Scientific and Industrial Research Council for ten years, and head of Department of Inorganic Chemistry of ITU until his retirement in 2000. He is still making research at several universities in Turkey. His research is mainly focused on syntheses and properties of new class of phthalocyanines since 1985. He published over 200 papers in SCI journals. He supervised over 40 PhD students and Postdoc. from different universities.Upon invitation from several countries he gave over 130 seminars at the universities and oral or poster presentations at the international scientific meetings, and over 180 speeches in Turkey also at the universitis and scientific meeting as honorary guest. He is honorary member of ‘Turkish Academy of Sciences’ (TUBA) and ‘Turkish Chemical Society’, and emeritus member of American Chemical Society (ACS). He was recipient of science award of “The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey” (TUBITAK) in 2000.








