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Vladimir Vetrov
Vladimir Vetrov  1963:GraduatedfromtheMoscowInstituteforEngineeringPhysics,FacultyofExperimentalandTheoreticalPhysics;profession–engineer-physicist,specialization–nuclearexperimentaltechniques.1963-1972:Engineer,….scientist,InstituteofAppliedGeophysics(Moscow,HydrometeorologicalServiceoftheUSSR):researchworkonradioactivecontaminationoftheenvironment.1971:CandidateofScience(physicsandmathematics);thethesisonasourcetermofneutronactivationproductsofundergroundnuclearexplosions.1972-1980:Seniorscientist,thesameInstitute:investigationsandmonitoringstudiesoftraceelementsandotherpollutantchemicalsintheLakeBaikalregionenvironments.1980-1984:HeadoftheLab.ofEcologicalStandards,InstituteofEcologicalToxicology(Baikalsk,IrkutskprovinceoftheUSSR):researchoftraceelementsandchemicalpollutantsinLakeBaikalregionenvironments;developingacceptablecontaminationlevelsforLakeBaikalwaterwithregardtoindustrialpollutionreleasestotheLake.1984-1986:SeniorScientist,LaboratoryofEnvironmentandClimateMonitoring(Moscow,theStateCommitte
1963:GraduatedfromtheMoscowInstituteforEngineeringPhysics,FacultyofExperimentalandTheoreticalPhysics;profession–engineer-physicist,specialization–nuclearexperimentaltechniques. 1963-1972:Engineer,….sc...
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1963: Graduated from the Moscow Institute for Engineering Physics, Faculty of Experimental and Theoretical Physics; profession – engineer-physicist, specialization – nuclear experimental techniques. 1963-1972: Engineer,…. scientist, Institute of Applied Geophysics (Moscow, Hydrometeorological Service of the USSR): research work on radioactive contamination of the environment. 1971: Candidate of Science (physics and mathematics); the thesis on a source term of neutron activation products of underground nuclear explosions. 1972-1980: Senior scientist, the same Institute: investigations and monitoring studies of trace elements and other pollutant chemicals in the Lake Baikal region environments. 1980-1984: Head of the Lab. of Ecological Standards, Institute of Ecological Toxicology (Baikalsk, Irkutsk province of the USSR): research of trace elements and chemical pollutants in Lake Baikal region environments; developing acceptable contamination levels for Lake Baikal water with regard to industrial pollution releases to the Lake. 1984-1986: Senior Scientist, Laboratory of Environment and Climate Monitoring (Moscow, the State Committee of the USSR on Hydrometeorology and Monitoring the Environment and the Academy of Science of the USSR): methodological studies and developing methods for the national pollution monitoring system. 1986-1990: Head of the Division of Radioecological Monitoring, the same Laboratory: wide-scale studies of radioactive contamination of the environment at the USSR territory following the Chernobyl accident (mapping, migration of radionuclides, prediction models, forecast assessments etc.). 1990-1992: Invited expert, the Joint FAO/IAEA Division, International Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna, Austria): executive officer, preparing “Guidelines for Agricultural Countermeasures Following an Accidental Release of Radionuclides” (IAEA, Tech. Rep. Ser. #363, Vienna, 1994). 1996: Doctor of Science (Ecological Geochemistry); the thesis: “Trace Elements in Lake Baikal Environments; Rationale for Monitoring Programs”. 1993-present: Head of the Div. of Terrotories’ Contamination Studies - Institute of Global Climate & Ecology (Moscow, the Federal Service on Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Environment and the Russian Academy of Science): developing guidelines for national and regional monitoring contamination systems; ecological assessments and expertise of industrial enterprises and projects; radioecology; scientific supervision of the national monitoring system for snow cover chemical composition. 1999 – 2012: expert, assessment of projects for environmental programs of US AID in Russia. 1995 – present: expert in the IAEA programs on radiological impact assessments and modeling - working groups in VAMP, EMRAS, MODARIA programs.








