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Cyril Papamicaël
Cyril Papamicaël  CyrilPapamicaël,researcherofINSA-Rouen,France.HeobtainedhisPhDundertheguidanceofProfessorG.QuéguinerDrandG.DupasattheUniversityofRouen(France)in1997.HisPhDconcernedthesynthesisandfunctionalizationreactionofcarbolinesbymeansoflithiationreactions.HethenspenttwoyearsworkingwithProfessorA.GossauerattheUniversityofFribourg(Switzerland).Duringthecourseofhisresearchwork,hewasinterestedinthesynthesisofmetallo-porphyrinmodelsforlight-harvestingstudies.Thereafter,hewasengagedinapostdoctoralworkfortwoyearswithProfessorC.J.Schofield(non-penicillininhibitors)andProfessorJackE.Baldwin(penicillinderivativesinhibitors)attheUniversityofOxford(United-Kingdom)tosynthesizeandstudymetallo--lactamaseinhibitors.HewasfinallyrecruitedonapermanentresearcherpositionatINSA-universityofRouen.HefirstworkedwithPrG.Dupaswhosethemainresearchfieldfocusedwithbiomimeticmodels.Thus,hestudiedforexampletheamidebondformationusingheterocyclicamineandacidreceptors.AfterG.Dupasretirement,hehaschangedhisresearcharea.Heisnowboth
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Cyril Papamicaël, researcher of INSA-Rouen, France. He obtained his PhD under the guidance of Professor G. Quéguiner Drand G. Dupas at the University of Rouen (France) in 1997. His PhD concerned the synthesis and functionalization reaction of carbolines by means of lithiation reactions. He then spent two years working with Professor A. Gossauer at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). During the course of his research work, he was interested in the synthesis of metallo-porphyrin models for light-harvesting studies. Thereafter, he was engaged in a postdoctoral work for two years with Professor C.J. Schofield (non-penicillin inhibitors) and Professor Jack E. Baldwin (penicillin derivatives inhibitors) at the University of Oxford (United-Kingdom) to synthesize and study metallo--lactamase inhibitors. He was finally recruited on a permanent researcher position at INSA-university of Rouen. He first worked with Pr G. Dupas whose the main research field focused with biomimetic models. Thus, he studied for example the amide bond formation using heterocyclic amine and acid receptors. After G. Dupas retirement, he has changed his research area. He is now both interested in the design ofAcetylcholinesterase inhibitors and the chemistry devoted to medical imaging. His research work concerns the synthesis and development of new redox chemical delivery systems to target drugs and radiotracers into the brain. He has several collaborations, both with academics (France, Australia, UK) and with private companies or independent institutions (PolyIntell, centre Henri Becquerel Rouen, VFP-therapies). 40 publications, 35 communications (posters or oral communications), 2 proceedings, 1 patent (PCT Int..Appl (2014), WO 2014114742 A1 20140731).








