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Prof. Muhammad Ashraf
Prof. Muhammad Ashraf  MuhammadAshrafisaprofessionallyqualifiedSoilScientistandworkingasAssistantProfessorintheDepartmentofSoil&EnvironmentalSciences,UniversityCollegeofAgriculture,UniversityofSargodha,Pakistanandfocusingonplantnutritionandabioticstresses,particularlysalinityandheavymetaltoxicity.HewasbornonDecember1,1972.HedidhisB.Sc.(Hons.)Agriculturein1994,M.Sc.(Hons)SoilScience1996andPh.D.SoilSciencein2008fromUniversityofAgriculture,Faisalabad,Pakistan.HehasbeenawardedEndeavourResearchFellowshipin2014byAustralianGovernmentandcompletedpost-doctoratefromUniversityofWesternAustralia,Australia.Heresearchedontherelationshipbetweensalinityandplantnutrition,manuremanagement,fertilizerapplication,andrehabilitationofsalineandwaterloggedlands.Healsoinvolvedintheexecutionofaproject“NationalCoordinatedProjectonMangoCrises”asPlantNutritionist.Dr.Ashrafhasmorethan21yearsresearch,teachingandadministrativeexperience.Hesupervisedmanygraduateandpost-graduatestudentsassupervisorandco-supervisor.Hehasproducedmorethan50resea
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Muhammad Ashraf is a professionally qualified Soil Scientist and working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Soil & Environmental Sciences, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Pakistan and focusing on plant nutrition and abiotic stresses, particularly salinity and heavy metal toxicity. He was born on December 1, 1972. He did his B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture in 1994, M.Sc. (Hons) Soil Science 1996 and Ph.D. Soil Science in 2008 from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. He has been awarded Endeavour Research Fellowship in 2014 by Australian Government and completed post-doctoratefrom University of Western Australia, Australia. He researched on the relationship between salinity and plant nutrition, manure management, fertilizer application, and rehabilitation of saline and waterlogged lands. He also involved in the execution of a project “National Coordinated Project on Mango Crises” as Plant Nutritionist. Dr. Ashraf has more than 21 years research, teaching and administrative experience. He supervised many graduate and post-graduate students as supervisor and co-supervisor. He has produced more than 50 research publications in various well reputed scientific journals. He is the author of a book “Salt Tolerance in Sugarcane” published by Lap Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co., Germany. He has participated in many national and international conferences and seminars and presented his research achievements. Dr. Ashraf is working as Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Environment & Agriculture (JEA). He is also serving as reviewer/referee for many national and international journals. He is the member of many scientific societies. In the recognition of his significant contribution in the field of research, he has been awarded Research Productivity Award by Ministry of Science and Technology, Pakistan for the year 2011 and 2012.








