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Ram K.Agarwal
Ram K.Agarwal  Prof.RamK.Agarwal,RetiredH.O.D.LajpatRaiPostgraduateCollege(CCSUniversity),India;TowritearesearchpaperinChemistry,onemustconsideraboutthefollowingpointscarefully.Step1:FirstselecttheJournal,inwhichyouwishtopublishyourresearchpaper.TheJournalshouldberelatedtoyourresearcharea.Step2:ChecktheimpactfactoroftheJournalinwhichyouwishtopublishyourresearchpaper.Step3:Afterfinalizingthejournal,takethereprintofonepublishedpaperofthatJournal.Checkallthepointscarefully,Forexample,(a)WhatistheformatoftheJournal?(b)Styleofthepaper.(c)References.Step4:Generallythepapermusthave(a)MeaningfulTitle.(b)Nameofalltheauthors.(c)Mentionwhoisthecorrespondingauthor.(d)Affiliationofalltheauthors.(e)E-mailid.(personal).Sometimesauthorsendthepapernotbyhis/here-mailid.Theyusethee-mailidoftheCybercafé.SoforEditoritisdifficulttocontactthem.(f)Abstractofthepaper,shouldnotmorethan6-8lines.(g)Keywords(maximum6-8words)Step5:Forwritingtheresearchpaper,divideyourpaperundersubheadingsSodearparticipantswritegoodandscientificre
Prof.RamK.Agarwal,RetiredH.O.D.LajpatRaiPostgraduateCollege(CCSUniversity),India; TowritearesearchpaperinChemistry,onemustconsideraboutthefollowingpointscarefully. Step1:FirstselecttheJournal,inwhichy...
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Prof. Ram K.Agarwal, Retired H.O.D. Lajpat Rai Postgraduate College (C C S University), India; To write a research paper in Chemistry, one must consider about the following points carefully. Step 1: First select the Journal, in which you wish to publish your research paper. The Journal should be related to your research area. Step 2: Check the impact factor of the Journal in which you wish to publish your research paper. Step 3: After finalizing the journal, take the reprint of one published paper of that Journal. Check all the points carefully, For example, (a) What is the format of the Journal? (b) Style of the paper. (c) References. Step 4: Generally the paper must have (a) Meaningful Title. (b) Name of all the authors. (c) Mention who is the corresponding author. (d) Affiliation of all the authors. (e) E-mail id. (personal). Sometimes author send the paper not by his/her e-mail id. They use the e-mail id of the Cyber café. So for Editor it is difficult to contact them. (f) Abstract of the paper, should not more than 6-8 lines. (g) Key words (maximum 6- 8 words) Step 5: For writing the research paper, divide your paper under sub headings So dear participants write good and scientific research papers and try to publish in a Journal of high impact factor








