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Prof. D. Kim
Prof. D. Kim  ProfessorDongKeonKimisaTenure-TrackAssistantProfessorintheDepartmentofArchitecturalEngineeringatDong-AUniversityintheRepublicofKorea.PriortoattendingDong-AUniversity,hewasaResearchProfessorinHanyangUniversityandSeniorResearcheratCentralResearchInstituteintheKHNP(KoreaHydro&NuclearPower).HereceivedhisMSdegreefromSchoolofCivilandEnvironmentalengineeringinGeorgiaInstituteofTechnology.HethenreceivedhisPh.DdegreefromDepartmentofCivil,Structural,andEnvironmentalEngineeringinUniversityatBuffalo.Currently,heteachesundergraduatecoursesintheareasofMechanicsofMaterials,FiniteElementMethod,SteelStructuresandEngineeringMathematics.Healsosupervisesundergraduatestudents.Hisresearchinterestsareintheareaof(1)continuumdamagemechanics,modelingofplasticitybasedonthefiniteelementmethod,(2)structuralanalysis,designandearthquakeresistantsystemofnuclearpowerplantusingenergydissipationdevicesandbaseisolationsystemand(3)structuralretrofitofStructuresincludingschools,hospitalsandofficebuildings.Duringhiscareerhe
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Professor Dong Keon Kim is a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the Department of Architectural Engineering at Dong-A University in the Republic of Korea. Prior to attending Dong-A University, he was a Research Professor in Hanyang University and Senior Researcher at Central Research Institute in the KHNP (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power). He received his MS degree from School of Civil and Environmental engineering in Georgia Institute of Technology. He then received his Ph.D degree from Department of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering in University at Buffalo. Currently, he teaches undergraduate courses in the areas of Mechanics of Materials, Finite Element Method, Steel Structures and Engineering Mathematics. He also supervises undergraduate students. His research interests are in the area of (1) continuum damage mechanics, modeling of plasticity based on the finite element method, (2) structural analysis, design and earthquake resistant system of nuclear power plant using energy dissipation devices and base isolation system and (3) structural retrofit of Structures including schools, hospitals and office buildings. During his career he published numerous papers as well as managed and reported on research projects. He served as assistant administrator at KBC-S (Korean Building Code - Structure) committee in Architectural Institute of Korea and Editorial board member for Magazine of Korean Society of Steel Construction



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