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Josh Wright, Rowton
Josh Wright, Rowton  JoshWright,Rowton,ConsolidatedLtd公司独立矿业顾问,Iamageologistwith9yearsexperienceinmining,explorationandgeotechnicalengineering,havingworkedintheUK,Australia,SierraLeoneandUganda.MorerecentlyIhavebeenworkinginSouthEastAsiawithamarineconsultancy,intheirbulkcargodivision.Thishasinvolvedundertakingexpertanalysesofmineralorecargoesofbauxite,ironore,coalandmineralconcentrates,mostlyinrespecttotheirsafecarriageatsea.Ihavealsobeeninvolvedasanexpertininsuranceclaimsforlossordamageofthesecargoesduringtransit.PreviouslyIhaveworkedwithanumberofcommoditymineralsincludinggold,ironore,basemetalsandindustrialmineralsatvariouslevels-greenfieldsexploration,brownfields/near-mineexploration,resourceestimationandmining,havingbeenemployedbyanumberofASXlistedcompaniesincludinggoldminer,SilverLakeResources,diversifiedexplorerHemisphereResources,juniorminer,GulfIndustrialsandhaveworkedforBHPBilliton.FromworkingwiththesecompaniesIhavedevelopedabroadunderstandingoftheextractiveindustryfromexplorationthroughtoproducti
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Josh Wright, Rowton ,Consolidated Ltd公司独立矿业顾问,I am a geologist with 9 years experience in mining, exploration and geotechnical engineering, having worked in the UK, Australia, Sierra Leone and Uganda. More recently I have been working in South East Asia with a marine consultancy, in their bulk cargo division. This has involved undertaking expert analyses of mineral ore cargoes of bauxite, iron ore, coal and mineral concentrates, mostly in respect to their safe carriage at sea. I have also been involved as an expert in insurance claims for loss or damage of these cargoes during transit. Previously I have worked with a number of commodity minerals including gold, iron ore, base metals and industrial minerals at various levels - greenfields exploration, brownfields/ near-mine exploration, resource estimation and mining, having been employed by a number of ASX listed companies including gold miner, Silver Lake Resources, diversified explorer Hemisphere Resources, junior miner, Gulf Industrials and have worked for BHP Billiton. From working with these companies I have developed a broad understanding of the extractive industry from exploration through to production and have gained project management skills that are transferable across any industry related to geology. I have worked in a variety of geological settings and have specific knowledge of ore body formation and geology from Archaen Greenstone belts, Proterozoic basins, through to Tertiary sediments and volcanics having worked in gold, base metals, iron ore, manganese and carbonatites. In 2014 I worked with John Sykes of Greenfields Research, producing a Resource Stocks Magazine article; "Mining the Future - a 21st Centry Metal".








