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XiaomingXie  Dr.XiaomingXieisSurgeonandChairmanoftheDepartmentofBreastOncologyandDirectoroftheLaboratoryofCancerBiotechnologyintheStateKeyLaboratoryofOncologyinSouthernChina,SunYat-senUniversityCancerCenter.Dr.XieobtainedhisM.D.in1986andhisPh.D.in1994fromCentralSouthUniversity.HelatergotpostdoctoraltrainingattheUniversityofNavarrainSpainandUniversityofFloridainUSA.Dr.XieworkedasResearchAssociateintheDepartmentofImmunology,BaylorCollegeofMedicine,Houston,Texas,USA,during1999to2003.Since2003,Dr.XiebecameResearchScientistandTranslationalGroupLeaderattheUniversityofTexasMDAndersonCancerCenter,Texas.Dr.XiehasgainedmultipleawardsincludingtheAstraZenecaAward,USA(2005),theBestPrizeofthe10thAnnualOncologyResearchSeminar.USA(2001),theTravelGrantofthe6thConferenceonretrovirusesandOpportunisticInfections,USA(1999)andtheBestOralPresentationAwardofTerapiagenicadelhepatocarcinomamediatelatransferenciadelgenlainterlukina12ytimidinkinasamediadaporadenovirus.Madrid,Spain(1998)aswellasDr.SirQ.W.Leefellowship.USA(1997
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Dr. Xiaoming Xie is Surgeon and Chairman of the Department of Breast Oncology and Director of the Laboratory of Cancer Biotechnology in the State Key Laboratory of Oncology in Southern China, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center. Dr. Xie obtained his M.D. in 1986 and his Ph.D. in 1994 from Central South University. He later got postdoctoral training at the University of Navarra in Spain and University of Florida in USA. Dr.Xie worked as Research Associate in the Department of Immunology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA, during 1999 to 2003. Since 2003, Dr. Xie became Research Scientist and Translational Group Leader at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Texas. Dr. Xie has gained multiple awards including the AstraZeneca Award, USA (2005), the Best Prize of the 10th Annual Oncology Research Seminar. USA (2001), the Travel Grant of the 6th Conference on retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, USA(1999) and the Best Oral Presentation Award of Terapia genica del hepatocarcinoma mediate la transferencia del gen la interlukina 12 y timidin kinasa mediada por adenovirus.Madrid, Spain (1998) as well as Dr. Sir Q.W. Lee fellowship. USA(1997). In 2008, he founded the Department of Breast Oncology in Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, where he serves as the Chairman, Surgeon and Professor. His major research interests are targeted biotherapy for cancer, novel animal models for in vivo imaging, nanoparticle biotechnology, mechanism of development, metastasis and recurrence of breast cancer and basic and clinical research and clinical trial of breast cancer and clinical services (surgery and medical oncology). .








