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Anna Belli
Anna Belli  AnnaBelliisaConsultantRadiologistatStGeorge’sHospital,andProfessorofInterventionalRadiologyatStGeorge’sUniversityofLondon.ShewasappointedtoStGeorge’sHospitalin1992andovertheyearshasintroducednumerousinnovationstotheInterventionalRadiologyserviceincludingthepioneeringtreatmentoffibroidsbyuterinearteryembolisation.Asaspecialistintheendovascularmanagementofvasculardiseasessheisinvolvedinthetreatmentofhaemorrhagefromavarietyofsourcesincludingchestandabdominaltrauma,aneurysmsandmassiveobstetrichaemorrhage.ShehaspublishedextensivelyinavarietyofjournalsincludinghighimpactfactorjournalssuchastheLancetandtheBMJ.Sheisakeenteacherofbothunder-andpostgraduatestudentsandleadstheInterventionalRadiologyteamwhichtrainsdoctorsspecializinginminimallyinvasivetherapiesforawiderangeofdisorders.Hercurrentclinicalinterestsincludetheroleofembolisationinthemanagementofwomenathighriskofobstetrichaemorrhage,aswellasmassivehaemorrhagefromthegastro-intestinalsystemandlungs.Sheisalsodevelopingaservicefortheminimally
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Anna Belli is a Consultant Radiologist at St George’s Hospital, and Professor of Interventional Radiology at St George’s University of London. She was appointed to St George’s Hospital in 1992 and over the years has introduced numerous innovations to the Interventional Radiology service including the pioneering treatment of fibroids by uterine artery embolisation. As a specialist in the endovascular management of vascular diseases she is involved in the treatment of haemorrhage from a variety of sources including chest and abdominal trauma, aneurysms and massive obstetric haemorrhage. She has published extensively in a variety of journals including high impact factor journals such as the Lancet and the BMJ.She is a keen teacher of both under- and postgraduate students and leads the Interventional Radiology team which trains doctors specializing in minimally invasive therapies for a wide range of disorders. Her current clinical interests include the role of embolisation in the management of women at high risk of obstetric haemorrhage, as well as massive haemorrhage from the gastro-intestinal system and lungs. She is also developing a service for the minimally invasive treatments of vascular malformations. She runs a clinic to see patients including women with symptomatic fibroids as well as a combined myoma clinic with Mr Manyonda, with whom she collaborates. In addition she performs a wide range of treatments for peripheral vascular disease such as angioplasty and stenting.


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