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DAVID SIGALET  DAVIDSIGALETDLSigaletBiosketch2013Dr.DavidSigaletwasgrewupinBritishColumbia,CanadaandcompletedhisundergraduateandmedicaltrainingattheUniversityofBritishColumbiainVancouver.ItwasherethathefirstbecameinterestedinPediatricGeneralSurgery.Hetrainedinadultgeneralsurgery,attheUniversityofAlberta,Edmonton.Duringthistime,hedevelopedalife-longinterestinshortbowelsyndrome(SBS).HecompletedaPhDstudyingnutrientabsorptionafterintestinaltransplantationandaclinicalfellowshipinTransplantationinEdmonton,followedbyaFellowshipinPediatricGeneralSurgeryatMcGillUniversity,Montreal.HebeganhiscareerinEdmonton,followedbymovestoKansasCity,whereheworkedwithDrKeithAshcraftatChildren’sMercyHospitaldoingPediatricandTransplantSurgery.In1998hereturnedtotheAlbertaChildren’sHospitalinCalgary,andnarrowedhisresearchfocustothefactorswhichregulateintestinalfunction,aimingtomaximizethefunctioningoftheresidualintestine.Healsoinitiatedaprogramforminimallyinvasiverepairofchestwalldefects.HehasrecentlyrelocatedtoDoha,Qatar,whereh
DAVIDSIGALET DLSigaletBiosketch2013 Dr.DavidSigaletwasgrewupinBritishColumbia,CanadaandcompletedhisundergraduateandmedicaltrainingattheUniversityofBritishColumbiainVancouver.Itwasherethathefirstbecame...
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DAVID SIGALET DL Sigalet Biosketch 2013 Dr. David Sigalet was grew up in British Columbia, Canada and completed his undergraduate and medical training at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. It was here that he first became interested in Pediatric General Surgery. He trained in adult general surgery, at the University of Alberta, Edmonton. During this time, he developed a life-long interest in short bowel syndrome (SBS). He completed a PhD studying nutrient absorption after intestinal transplantation and a clinical fellowship in Transplantation in Edmonton, followed by a Fellowship in Pediatric General Surgery at McGill University, Montreal. He began his career in Edmonton, followed by moves to Kansas City, where he worked with Dr Keith Ashcraft at Children’s Mercy Hospital doing Pediatric and Transplant Surgery. In 1998 he returned to the Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary, and narrowed his research focus to the factors which regulate intestinal function, aiming to maximize the functioning of the residual intestine. He also initiated a program for minimally invasive repair of chest wall defects. He has recently relocated to Doha, Qatar, where he is the Chief of Surgery at the new Sidra Woman and Children’s Health Center. This clinical and research work has led to the publication of 104 peer reviewed abstracts, multiple book chapters, and co-editorship of several major textbooks. These efforts led to his selection as the Vice-President of the World Federation of Associations of Pediatric Surgeons where he serves as Chair of the Education Committee and on the Executive Council. He is a member of the editorial board of the American Journal of Physiology, the Journal of Pediatric Surgery, and the Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology, and is the Chair of the Publications Committee of APSA. He is the outgoing Chair of the Examinations Committee in Pediatric Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada. When he is not operating or researching, he continues to enjoy skiing, and scuba diving with his wife, and 4 children.








