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Markus Büchler
Markus Büchler  MarkusBüchler(born22July1955)isaGermansurgeonanduniversityprofessor.From1974to1979,BüchlerstudiedmedicineattheRuprechtKarlUniversityofHeidelberg.Subsequently,hetrainedingeneralandcardiovascularsurgeryattheFreeUniversityofBerlin,where,uponcompletionofthetrainingin1980,heobtainedthemedicallicense.Inthesameyearhedefendedhisdoctoralthesis[6]andreceivedtheDoctorofMedicinedegreefromtheUniversityofHeidelberg.HefurtherspecialisedinsurgeryattheUniversityofUlm,wherehequalifiedforhabilitationandwasappointedanattendingsurgeonin1987.In1991hebecameassociateprofessorandthevicechairmanoftheDepartmentofSurgeryattheuniversity.In1993,BüchlermovedtoSwitzerlandwherehebecameprofessorofsurgeryandchairmanoftheDepartmentofVisceralandTransplantationSurgeryattheUniversityofBern,Inselspital.In1999healsoheadedtheDepartmentofGastrointestinal,LiverandLungDiseases.Since2001heisprofessorofsurgeryandchairmanoftheDepartmentofGeneral,VisceralandTransplantationSurgeryattheUniversityHospitalHeidelberg.Since2003heismanaging
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Markus Büchler (born 22 July 1955) is a German surgeon and university professor. From 1974 to 1979, Büchler studied medicine at the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg. Subsequently, he trained in general and cardiovascular surgery at the Free University of Berlin, where, upon completion of the training in 1980, he obtained the medical license. In the same year he defended his doctoral thesis[6] and received the Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Heidelberg. He further specialised in surgery at the University of Ulm, where he qualified for habilitation and was appointed an attending surgeon in 1987. In 1991 he became associate professor and the vice chairman of the Department of Surgery at the university. In 1993, Büchler moved to Switzerland where he became professor of surgery and chairman of the Department of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery at the University of Bern, Inselspital. In 1999 he also headed the Department of Gastrointestinal, Liver and Lung Diseases. Since 2001 he is professor of surgery and chairman of the Department of General, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery at the University Hospital Heidelberg. Since 2003 he is managing medical director of the Department of Surgery at the university. In parallel, he heads the Departments of Surgery at Salem hospital in Heidelberg since 2005, at the General Hospital in Sinsheim since 2009, at the General Hospital in Eberbach since 2012, and at the General Hospital in Heppenheim since 2013.He specialises in gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary and transplant surgery, and is especially known for pioneering operations on the pancreas.Büchler's specialty is surgery of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatobiliary system, and organ transplantation. In particular he specializes in surgical treatment of pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis. At his initiative, the European Pancreas Center was established at the Heidelberg university hospital.Büchler's clinical and laboratory studies have resulted in over 1000 publications. He also acts as an editor and a member of editorial boards of international medical journals.



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