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JEANS-MICHEL GUYS  JEANS-MICHELGUYS,JeanMichelGUYSisthechiefofgeneralpaediatricsurgeryattheTimonehospitalforsickchildreninMarseilles.HehasbeenthepresidentoftheFrenchSocietyofPaediatricSurgery(SFCP)andthepresidentoftheEuropeanPaediatricSurgicalAssociation(EUPSA).HiseducationalbackgroundincludedgeneralpaediatricsurgeryandurologytrainingwithProfessorM.CarcassonneandG.MonfortinMarseilles.HisscientificeducationwascompletedbyseveraltrainingsasvisitingdoctorinEuropeandintheNorthAmerica(H.Hendren,JSRandolph,F.Soave,N.Genton,DAScott…).HebecameProfessorinpaediatricsurgeryin1990.Hisresearchinterestismainlythedevelopmentofvoidingfunctionandtheconsequencesofneurologicurinarytractdysfunction.Otherfieldsofclinicalinterestincludegenital,anorectalmalformationsanddigestivecongenitaldiseases.Heisparticularlyinvolvedinantenataldiagnosisasthereferentconsultantinurologyforthechildren’shospitalinMarseilles.AsthepresidentoftheFrenchSocietyofPaediatricSurgery(SFCP)andthechairmanoftheEducationalOfficeoftheEuropeanSurgicalPaediatr
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JEANS-MICHEL GUYS,Jean Michel GUYS is the chief of general paediatric surgery at the Timone hospital for sick children in Marseilles. He has been the president of the French Society of Paediatric Surgery (SFCP) and the president of the European Paediatric Surgical Association (EUPSA). His educational background included general paediatric surgery and urology training with Professor M. Carcassonne and G. Monfort in Marseilles. His scientific education was completed by several trainings as visiting doctor in Europe and in the North America ( H. Hendren, JS Randolph, F. Soave, N. Genton, DA Scott…). He became Professor in paediatric surgery in 1990. His research interest is mainly the development of voiding function and the consequences of neurologic urinary tract dysfunction. Other fields of clinical interest include genital, anorectal malformations and digestive congenital diseases. He is particularly involved in antenatal diagnosis as the referent consultant in urology for the children’s hospital in Marseilles. As the president of the French Society of Paediatric Surgery (SFCP) and the chairman of the Educational Office of the European Surgical Paediatric Association for 6 years he is still involved in numerous national or international educational programs. He is one of the expert of the French High Health Authority (HAS) and member of the National Council of the Universities (CNU) He is a reviewer for many journals of paediatric surgery (JPS, EJPS, the Journal of Urology, the Journal of paediatric urology…) He published 4 books/monographs, 35 chapters in textbooks, more than 150 articles in peer reviewed journals and presented 350 papers at international scientific meetings. He is member of International learned medical and scientific societies: BAPS, ESPU, AAP, EUPSA… and honorary member and real friend of numerous scientific societies around the Mediterranean Sea, in Europe and Russia. He is 63 years old, married and with his wife Danielle they have 3 children and 4 grandchildren.








