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Ali A. Ensafi
Ali A. Ensafi  AliA.EnsafiisProfessorofDepartmentofChemistry,IsfahanUniversityofTechnology,Iran.Prof.AliA.EnsafiwasgraduatedinChemistry(Ph.D.)in1991inAnalyticalChemistryinShirazUniversity(Iran).Then,hejoinedtheDepartmentofChemistryatIsfahanUniversityofTechnology(Iran).Hebecamefullprofessorin2001atIsfahanUniversityofTechnology.HeisheadofCenterofExcellenceinSensors&GreenChemistryofMinistryofSciences,Research&TechnologyofIran.HehasH-indexof46(Googlescholar).Hehaspublishedmorethan380ISIpapers,andhehasmorethan150internationaland/ornationaloralpresentation.Hehasawardedthreeinternationalawards.Heisco-authorsofthreebooks(AcademicPress&Springerpublishers),andheisassociateeditorofJournaloftheIranianChemicalSociety(Springerpublisher),andEditorialBoardof13InternationalScientificJournalascanbeseenonhissiteasensafi.iut.ac.ir.Prof.Ensafiistop1%ScientistsinChemistryinISIEssentialScienceIndicatorsandTop1%ScientistsinSciences(OrganizationoftheIslamicCountries).Hisresearchprogramisthedevelopmentofsensorsandbiosensors(b
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Ali A. Ensafi is Professor of Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. Prof. Ali A. Ensafi was graduated in Chemistry (Ph.D.) in 1991 in Analytical Chemistry in Shiraz University (Iran). Then, he joined the Department of Chemistry at Isfahan University of Technology (Iran). He became full professor in 2001 at Isfahan University of Technology. He is head of Center of Excellence in Sensors & Green Chemistry of Ministry of Sciences, Research & Technology of Iran. He has H-index of 46 (Google scholar). He has published more than 380 ISI papers, and he has more than 150 international and/or national oral presentation. He has awarded three international awards. He is co-authors of three books (Academic Press & Springer publishers), and he is associate editor of Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society (Springer publisher), and Editorial Board of 13 International Scientific Journal as can be seen on his site as ensafi.iut.ac.ir. Prof. Ensafi is top 1% Scientists in Chemistry in ISI Essential Science Indicators and Top 1% Scientists in Sciences (Organization of the Islamic Countries). His research program is the development of sensors and biosensors (based electrochemical and spectroscopic methods), direct and real-time measurement of drug release from therapeutic nanoparticles, important biological and pharmaceutical compounds, and new energy source materials for fuel cell and storage energy, using new nanocompounds.


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