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廖博士现任京东集团董事会资深顾问以及哈佛商学院高级研究员(Executive Fellow)。2017年4月至2021年7月,他担任京东首席战略官。京东是中国最大的电子商务公司,在2021年《财富》全球500强中排名第59位。他在任职期间,肩负着京东集团整体战略的规划及实施、企业合作伙伴关系维护、战略投资、创新以及企业品牌与公共关系等多项重要职责。他负责指导了京东的“零售即服务”(RaaS)战略的实施,策略性地拆分了一系列高度整合的业务模块,例如京东零售、京东物流、京东健康以及京东科技等,旨在将它们重塑为一体化开放平台。他还重新定义了京东的使命和战略定位,将其定位为“以供应链为核心的科技与服务企业”。更重要的是,他构建并发展了京东的战略体系,该体系涵盖了思维方式、方法和管理(3M),极大地提升了京东组织的战略能力。此外,他还直接领导了重大战略投资项目,如唯品会、谷歌、Farfetch、利丰和五星电器(中国百思买前身)等。
廖建文教授是美国最具影响的《创业动力定组研究计划》(Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics)早期成员之一,这是对美国新兴企业家第一次大规模、长时间的跟踪研究。他曾在《战略企业家杂志》、《企业创业学杂志》、《创业理论与实践》、《小企业管理期刊》、《小企业经济学》以及《高新技术管理研究期刊》上发表30篇学术论文。他的学术论文被选入《美国总统报告,2007》并选为《小企业经济学》特别文章。他的研究和教学成果为其赢得了众多奖励和荣誉,其中包括美国中小企业管理局授予的研究经费奖励(2007、2008)以及2009年度的伊利诺伊理工斯图沃特商学院杰出教学奖。
廖建文教授经常就战略和创新领域课题为中国知名企业以及跨国公司进行咨询和演讲。他的咨询和演讲客户包括思科、 福特、安捷伦、中国电信、中广核、中海油、广汽、蒙牛、中信、招商局、华谊兄弟、龙湖地产、徐工、新东方等企业,以及中国大陆和美国的中央及地方政府机构。廖建文教授也曾出席 CNBC 中国 和中央电视台第 9 频道等知名媒体的专题节目,同时为《哈佛商业评论》、《21 世纪经济商业评论》和《北大商业评论》等刊物撰写专栏。此外,他还曾任布什内阁美国中小型企业管理局的顾问,目前担任奇虎 360、招商蛇口等上市公司独立董事。 在长江商学院,廖教授主讲EMBA、MBA、FMBA 以及高层培训的战略与创新课程。
Liao, J. (2016) Sharing Economy: The Emergence of Business democratization Process. The Fortune. (Caijing) Feb: p. 98-101
Liao, J. (2016) Competition versus Ecosystem: A Comparison of Advantages. Harvard Business Review (Chinese Edition). July. P. 110 – 118.
Liao, J. (2016) Percent Inc.: How Social Enterprises Create a Business Model. Harvard Business Review (Chinese Edition). May. 115 -120
Liao, J. (2015) The “HER” Framework for Business Ecosystem Design. Harvard Business Review (Chinese Edition) Nov. p. 132 – 136
Liao, J. (2013) Coopetition: The Changing Mindset of competition. Harvard Business Review (Chinese Edition). March (3): P. 58-61
Liao, J. (2012) Competition 2.0: the Business Ecosystem Approach. Harvard Business Review (Chinese Edition) Vol 5. P. 130-132
Liao, J. (2012) The Crisis of MNCs Business Models in China. Harvard Business Review (Chinese Edition). 3: 37 -38
Liao, J. (2013) The Mega Trend: Value Co-Creation Approach. Harvard Business Review (Chinese Edition). 4: p. 144 – 148
Gartner, William & Liao, Jianwen (2011) The Entrepreneurs in Entrepreneurial Risk. In David L. Bodde & Caron H. St, John (eds). Chance and Intent: Managing the Risks of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Taylor and Francis: Routledge Publisher
Liao, Jianwen., Kickul, Jill., and Ma, Hao (2009) Organizational Dynamic Capability and Innovation: An Empirical Examination of Internet Firms. Journal of Small Business Management. Vol 47(3): 263 – 286
Gartner, William., Shaver, Kelly & Liao, Jianwen (2008) Opportunities as attributions: Categorizing strategic issues from an attributional perspective. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Vol 2(4): 301 – 315
Liao, Jianwen., Welsch, Harold. (2008) Patterns of Venture Gestation Process: Exploring the Differences between Tech and Non-tech Nascent Entrepreneurs. Journal of High-tech Management Research Vol 19: 103 – 113
Liao, Jianwen, Welsch, Harold., Moutray, Chad (2008) Start-up Resources and Entrepreneurial Discontinuance: the Case of Nascent Entrepreneurs” Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol 19(2): 1 – 15
Liao, Jianwen & Gartner, William (2008) The Influence of Pre-Venture Planning on New Venture Creation. Journal of Small Business Strategy. Vol 19: p. 1-32
Liao, Jianwen & Gartner, William (2006) The Effects of Pre-venture Plan Timing and Perceived Environmental Uncertainty on the Persistence of Emerging Firms. Small Business Economics: An International Journal. 27 (1): 23 – 40
Murphy, Patrick., Liao, Jianwen., Welsch, Harold (2006) A Conceptual History of Entrepreneurial Thoughts. Journal of Management History. Vol. 12(1): 12 – 35
Liao, Jianwen & Welsch, Harold (2005) Roles of Social Capital in Venture Creation: Key Dimensions and Research Implications. Journal of Small Business Management. Volume 43 (4): 345-362
Liao, Jianwen, Welsch, Harold. & Tan, Weeliang (2005) Venture Gestation Paths of Nascent Entrepreneurs:Exploring the Temporal Patterns. Journal of High Tech Management Research16(1): 1 – 22
Stoica, Michael, Liao, Jianwen & Welsch, Harold (2004) Organizational Culture and Patterns of Information Processing: The Case of Small and Medium- sized Enterprises. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship Vol 9(3): 251 – 266
Liao, Jianwen & Welsch, Harold (2003) Exploring The Venture Creation Process: Evidence from Tech and Non-Tech Nascent Entrepreneurs. In William Bygrave et al (ed.) Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research (p. 662 - 675)
Liao, Jianwen., Welsch, Harold & & Stoica, Michael (2003) Organizational Absorptive Capacity and Responsiveness: An Empirical Investigation of Growth-oriented Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Vol 28 (1): 63 – 85
Liao, Jianwen and Harold Welsch (2003) Social Capital and Entrepreneurial Growth Aspiration: A Comparison of Technology and Non-Technology- Based Nascent Entrepreneurs. Journal of High Tech Management Research Volume 14(1): 149-170
Liao, Jianwen & Harold Welsch (2002) The Temporal Patterns of Venture Creation Process: An Exploratory Study. In William D. Bygrave, Candida G. Brush, Per Davidsson, James Fiet, Patricia G. Greene, (ed). Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. (p. 14 – 27)
Pistrui, David & Jianwen Liao, Harold Welsch (2000) Entrepreneurial Orientation and Family Forces in the New Germany: Similarities and Differences Between East and West German Entrepreneurs. Family Business Review. Vol XIII (3): pp. 251 – 263.