Bo Krüger,Moving Minds会议设计师,Moving Minds is a global strategic marketing & web consultancy focused on creating big, bold brands and backing them up with multi-channel marketing programs that consistently generate more revenue, demand and ROI.
Bo Krüger BoKrüger,MovingMinds会议设计师,MovingMindsisaglobalstrategicmarketing&webconsultancyfocusedoncreatingbig,boldbrandsandbackingthemupwithmulti-channelmarketingprogramsthatconsistentlygeneratemorerevenue,demandandROI.
Bo Krüger,Moving Minds会议设计师,Moving Minds is a global strategic marketing & web consultancy focused on creating big, bold brands and backing them up with multi-channel marketing programs that consistently generate more revenue, demand and ROI.