Tom Coble
Tom Coble is president and CEO of Elmbrook Management Company, which owns and operates seven long term care and assisted living communities in southern Oklahoma. He also is the founder of HealthCare Management Company of Oklahoma. Gaining recognition as a leading professional and spokesman in the fields of long term and post-acute care, Coble has delivered expert testimony before committees of the U.S. Congress and the Oklahoma State Legislature. He represented the American Health Care Association (AHCA) at The White House Conference on Aging in 2015, which marked the 50th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid. Coble also speaks nationally to the investment community, insurance conferences, national trade associations and provider groups on important topics such as future payment models, population management, risk management and Nursing Home Without Walls. Coble’s work and dedication to the field have brought him national recognition and honors, including the first-ever AHCA Steve Chies Future Leader Award in 2013 and AHCA’s Joe Warner Patient Advocacy Award in 2014. A resident of Ardmore, Okla., Coble earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Southeastern Oklahoma State University and a Masters of Business Administration from Oklahoma City University. He is a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator, having received his Nursing Home Administration Certification from the University of Oklahoma. Prior to entering the long term care profession in 1993, Tom spent over 15 years working in the oil and gas industry. Tom is AHCA chairman and has served on the Association’s Board of Governors since 2011 in various roles. He has served as chairman of the AHCA Independent Owners Council and most recently as vice chair on AHCA’s Board of Governors. Tom has also served as president of the Oklahoma Association of Health Care Providers and has had several legislative appointments to health-related task forces, councils and state boards. These include the Medicaid Reform Task Force, Governor’s Task Force on Medicaid, Medical Liability Task Force, the Oklahoma Continuum of Care Legislative Task Force, the Continuum of Care and Assisted Living Standards Council, and the Oklahoma State Board of Examiners for Nursing Home Administrators. He also serves on the advisory board for Medline Industries and Novartis. Tom is married to Kim Coble, and they celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary in 2016. They have a daughter, Meghann, who is studying to be a nurse practitioner, and a son, Brett, who oversees Elmbrook’s operations. Tom and Kim enjoy spending free time with their four grandchildren.

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Tom Coble
Tom Coble  TomCobleispresidentandCEOofElmbrookManagementCompany,whichownsandoperatessevenlongtermcareandassistedlivingcommunitiesinsouthernOklahoma.HealsoisthefounderofHealthCareManagementCompanyofOklahoma.Gainingrecognitionasaleadingprofessionalandspokesmaninthefieldsoflongtermandpost-acutecare,CoblehasdeliveredexperttestimonybeforecommitteesoftheU.S.CongressandtheOklahomaStateLegislature.HerepresentedtheAmericanHealthCareAssociation(AHCA)atTheWhiteHouseConferenceonAgingin2015,whichmarkedthe50thanniversaryofMedicareandMedicaid.Coblealsospeaksnationallytotheinvestmentcommunity,insuranceconferences,nationaltradeassociationsandprovidergroupsonimportanttopicssuchasfuturepaymentmodels,populationmanagement,riskmanagementandNursingHomeWithoutWalls.Coble’sworkanddedicationtothefieldhavebroughthimnationalrecognitionandhonors,includingthefirst-everAHCASteveChiesFutureLeaderAwardin2013andAHCA’sJoeWarnerPatientAdvocacyAwardin2014.AresidentofArdmore,Okla.,CobleearnedhisBachelorofSciencedegreefromSoutheastern
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Tom Coble is president and CEO of Elmbrook Management Company, which owns and operates seven long term care and assisted living communities in southern Oklahoma. He also is the founder of HealthCare Management Company of Oklahoma. Gaining recognition as a leading professional and spokesman in the fields of long term and post-acute care, Coble has delivered expert testimony before committees of the U.S. Congress and the Oklahoma State Legislature. He represented the American Health Care Association (AHCA) at The White House Conference on Aging in 2015, which marked the 50th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid. Coble also speaks nationally to the investment community, insurance conferences, national trade associations and provider groups on important topics such as future payment models, population management, risk management and Nursing Home Without Walls. Coble’s work and dedication to the field have brought him national recognition and honors, including the first-ever AHCA Steve Chies Future Leader Award in 2013 and AHCA’s Joe Warner Patient Advocacy Award in 2014. A resident of Ardmore, Okla., Coble earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Southeastern Oklahoma State University and a Masters of Business Administration from Oklahoma City University. He is a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator, having received his Nursing Home Administration Certification from the University of Oklahoma. Prior to entering the long term care profession in 1993, Tom spent over 15 years working in the oil and gas industry. Tom is AHCA chairman and has served on the Association’s Board of Governors since 2011 in various roles. He has served as chairman of the AHCA Independent Owners Council and most recently as vice chair on AHCA’s Board of Governors. Tom has also served as president of the Oklahoma Association of Health Care Providers and has had several legislative appointments to health-related task forces, councils and state boards. These include the Medicaid Reform Task Force, Governor’s Task Force on Medicaid, Medical Liability Task Force, the Oklahoma Continuum of Care Legislative Task Force, the Continuum of Care and Assisted Living Standards Council, and the Oklahoma State Board of Examiners for Nursing Home Administrators. He also serves on the advisory board for Medline Industries and Novartis. Tom is married to Kim Coble, and they celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary in 2016. They have a daughter, Meghann, who is studying to be a nurse practitioner, and a son, Brett, who oversees Elmbrook’s operations. Tom and Kim enjoy spending free time with their four grandchildren.


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