Thierry Le Goff,毕业于英国普利茅斯大学,有机和分析化学专业,博士学位,自2005 年加入LGC,曾担任过研发经理,实验室经理,培训顾问等多项职务,现作为 ISO/IEC 17025 和 ISOGuide 34 方面的专家,管理LGC 的校准服务业务,并负责标准物质生产和使用,方法确认及测量不确定度的全球培训。Expertise: Quality Assurance, analytical techniques (elemental analysis, spectroscopy, chromatography, MS and thermal analysis), Chemical Metrology, Method Validation (Anal Chem & Bio-measurements), Measurement Uncertainty (top-down and bottom-up approaches), statistics, experimental design, implementation of ISO/IEC 17025 in chemical testing laboratories and reference materials production, certification and use (ISO Guides 30, 31, 33, 34 & 35).